Fair Use.

MythCloud is funded by the Erasmus+ research programme. It is published as an OER, or Open Education Resource. It is a not-for-profit public resource. Our goal is to provide accessible resources for academic, educational, personal research and public interest purposes. While we strive for accuracy and compliance with copyright licences, the content on this site represents a large collection of materials sourced and curated from diverse origins, including user-generated contributions, publicly available resources, and open-access materials.

Intellectual Property and Copyright

  1. Open Access and Attribution: Wherever possible, MythCloud prioritises content licensed under open-access terms, including Creative Commons (CC) licences. Proper attribution or link to source is provided for all such materials, as outlined by their respective licences.
  2. Third-Party Materials: MythCloud includes reference to external third-party content that is shared under the assumption of fair use for educational and research purposes. This may include excerpts, summaries, and analyses of copyrighted works. In most cases, reference material is linked externally to its public domain source to ensure original authorship is clear. In some cases, images from the original source have been added to compendium entries where they add context and clarity. If any materials have been inadvertently included without proper permission or in violation of copyright, we encourage rights holders to contact us immediately.
  3. User-Generated Content: Contributions from users are shared under a © 2024 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence. This means others can download and share the content as long as they credit the creator, do not use it for commercial purposes, and do not make derivative works based on it. Contributors retain full ownership of their intellectual property.
  4. Citation and References: Academic papers, articles, or other resources are linked to to open-access versions.
  5. Ownership and Licensing: All website content original to the project is shared openly under a CC BY-NC licence, allowing non-commercial use with proper attribution. MythCloud claims no ownership of third-party content. Users are encouraged to consult the original materials via the provided links.

AI.SOP Dataset and Fair Use

AI.SOP is the chatbot component of MythCloud, intended to augment the MythCloud repository and aid the public in discovering relevant content, materials, and references contained within the compendium of sources. Content cited by the chatbot originates from open-access sources under their respective Creative Commons licences. Links in chatbot responses direct users to the external source or origin of the referenced materials, ensuring transparency and compliance with licensing terms.

Fair Use, Educational Purpose, and Public Good

MythCloud operates under the principles of fair use, as defined in copyright law, particularly for purposes of commentary, education, and research. All content reproduced on this platform is intended solely to facilitate learning and scholarly inquiry, with no commercial intent or monetary gain. We firmly believe in the ethical principles of open access to education and the moral responsibility to make knowledge freely available for the public good. MythCloud is offered entirely free of charge, with the aim of empowering individuals and fostering global learning communities. We ask for understanding and support in this endeavour to provide equitable access to knowledge.

Addressing Copyright Concerns

If you believe that any content on MythCloud infringes on your intellectual property rights, please notify us promptly. Upon receipt of a formal notice, we will:

  • Review the identified material.
  • Take appropriate action, which may include removal or modification of the content if requested.

Reporting Copyright Concerns

To report a copyright concern, contact us below with the following information:

  1. A description of the material on MythCloud that you believe infringes your rights, including its URL or specific location.
  2. A statement affirming that your claim is made in good faith and under penalty of perjury.
  3. Your contact information, including name, address, email, and phone number.

Limitation of Liability

While MythCloud takes extensive measures to verify the legality and accuracy of its content, we do not warrant the completeness or correctness of all materials hosted on the site. MythCloud disclaims any liability for errors, omissions, or unintended infringements that may arise. Users access and utilise the content at their own discretion and responsibility.

Misuse Disclaimer

  • Content and materials must not be used for commercial purposes unless permission is sought from MythCloud.
  • MythCloud assumes no responsibility for future misuse of shared resources.

Continuous Improvement

We are committed to fostering a collaborative and transparent platform. If you have suggestions for improving our practices or concerns about specific content, please reach out to us. Your feedback is invaluable in ensuring MythCloud remains a trusted and ethical educational resource.This disclaimer is subject to periodic review and updates to reflect evolving legal standards and community feedback.